Special Seating:
An Illustrated Guide
Revised Edition
By Jean Anne Zollars, PT, DPT, MA

"The art and science of seating are carefully described in this comprehensive volume." - Adrienne Falk Bergen PT ATP
Special Seating: An Illustrated Guide Revised Edition can be used by anyone involved in the seating process: from beginners through people who consider themselves experts. It has been referred to by seating specialists as an “indispensable resource” and an “essential item for every seating clinician’s toolbox”.
In 2010 Jean Anne revised and expanded her work. The revised edition provides:
- A step-by-step process to evaluate and design seating/mobility systems
- Easy-to-read text and clear illustrations
- A new chapter on seating and mobility considerations for people with specific conditions
- Review of current best practices and research from seating experts worldwide
- Emphasis on “hand simulation”
- More ideas using simulation with materials
- New design ideas, guidelines and fitting tips
- Updated assessment forms
- Innovative ideas for people working in less-resourced settings
Special Offer: Receive a free educational video when you buy any product containing a printed copy of Special Seating: An Illustrated Guide! Join Jean Anne Zollars, PT, DPT, MA and Jamie Noon, seating designer, as they take you through a seating assessment and design with a child with cerebral palsy and spastic/athetoid quadriplegia.
Printed Book
Special Seating: An Illustrated Guide Revised Edition - Printed book USD 69.95
This is one copy of the printed book.
Special Seating: An Illustrated Guide Revised Edition - EBook Download USD 29.95
This is one download of the EBook Version
Book Bundle
Bundle Book and EBook! Special Seating: An Illustrated Guide Revised Edition USD 79.95
This is one printed book and one EBook download.
Class Package
Class Package! Special Seating: An Illustrated Guide Revised Edition USD 209.55
One printed book and 8 EBook downloads at a reduced cost.
Online Course
Pediatric Seating and Mobility CEU online video course from Clinician's View.
$90 for 4.5 Contact Hours
Join Jean Anne Zollars, PT, DPT, MA and Rose Vallejo, PT, ATP as they take you through the process of assessment, hand simulation, material simulation and wheelchair documentation for children.
On the Clinicians-View.com home page, click CEU Courses, then under Dressing and Positioning, you will see Pediatric Seating and Mobility, or Go directly to the Pediatric Seating and Mobility course description.